I have a table plan and it has following data stored as:
EXISTS(SELECT 1 from a where SUBSTR(a.hehrircal,1,4)=b.acc_num
EXISTS(SELECT 1 from a where a.group_id=b.acc_num
I want to extract the part after where to =.My expected output is:
So,I tried like this::
select REGEXP_REPLACE(name,'^[EXISTS(SELECT 1 from a where]',1,6) from ot.plan;
But its not working.Is it possible to extract such part in oracle?
You can use substr
and instr
as following:
SQL> with your_Data as 2 (select 'EXISTS(SELECT 1 from a where SUBSTR(a.hehrircal,1,4)=b.acc_num' as str from dual) 3 SELECT SUBSTR(STR, INSTR(STR, 'where') + 5, INSTR(STR, '=') -(INSTR(STR, 'where') + 5)) 4 FROM YOUR_DATA; SUBSTR(STR,INSTR(STR,'WH ------------------------ SUBSTR(a.hehrircal,1,4) SQL>