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How do I return function value in lifecycle-aware coroutine scope in Android?

fun returnValue(): Int {
    viewModelScope.launch { 
        return 1 // Something like this

I want to return some value in a viewModelScope like the above. I don't want my function to be suspended function. How do I achieve that?


  • If returnValue() cannot be suspended function, there are basically only two options:

    1. Turn the return type into Deferred<Int> and make the caller responsible for handling the return value at a later point. The body becomes:
    fun returnValue(): Deferred<Int> = viewModelScope.async {
        return@async 1
    1. Block the thread until the value is available:
    fun returnValue(): Int {
        return runBlocking(viewModelScope.coroutineContext) {
            return@runBlocking 1