In the document:, it explains that you can start a consumer from earliest or latest position, or you can specify a message id. Can it support this requirement, that to specify a time point and start from there, for example, now I want to iterate the messages from yesterday 12:00 to yesterday 13:00?
Yes, you can rewind a subscription to a time offset. The time
option of the pulsar-admin persistent reset-cursor
command will do let you do this:
# bin/pulsar-admin persistent reset-cursor
reset-cursor Reset position for subscription to position closest to timestamp or messageId
Usage: reset-cursor [options] persistent://tenant/namespace/topic
--messageId, -m
messageId to reset back to (ledgerId:entryId)
* -s, --subscription
Subscription to reset position on
--time, -t
time in minutes to reset back to (or minutes, hours,days,weeks eg:
100m, 3h, 2d, 5w)
You can also use the REST admin API.