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Mobaxterm terminal display adjustment

For MobaXTerm on windows it defaults to showing date and time on every line, I can't seem to find the setting to disable this - does anyone know?

Link to how it shows


  • Please, use classic .bashrc file mechanism:

    1. Create or open ~/.bashrc.perso,
    2. Change or add the entry 'PS1=' with your desired value see for example the following web site to select your selectors "" E.g. PS1="\u>" (no more that PS1="..." in the text line) to have only your login plus the '>' character as your new prompt,
    3. Save the file and exit it,
    4. Create a new tab, you can see that your new prompt is as desired.

    Or simply, execute the line PS1="..." (E.g. PS1="[\e[35m]\w[\e[0m] [\e[36m][\u.\h][\e[0m] [\e(0]b[\e(B]") in each terminal you want a specific prompt.