I am trying to create a bar graph displaying the percentage of PLE and their corresponding 95% credible intervals. I would like to have age groups in the horizontal line and the percentages in the vertical line and Non_C, CG(<14h/w), CG (>=14h/w) as the bars. Given that I have around 20 tables, I was wondering if R codes can create my graphs of interest. I would like to compare the PLEs and 95% credible intervals around them (min, max) across age groups.
The below code converts the below table into the data frame.
structure(list("Caregiving status" = c("Non-C", "Non-C","Non-C","CG<14h/w", "CG<14h/w","CG<14h/w","CG>=14h/w","CG>=14h/w","CG>=14h/w"),
Age = c("50-51", "60-61", "70-71", "50-51", "60-61", "70-71","50-51", "60-61", "70-71"),
PLE = c(78,78,78,81,81,80,78,78,77),
Min = c(78,77,76,79,79,78,75,74,74),
Max = c(79,79,79,83,83,83,80,80,80)),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -9L))
The following code gives you a simple bar chart with errobars. Not really nice yet, but as starting point ... To adjust the width of the errorbars, ... have a look at the documentation of position_dodge2
df <- structure(list(caregiving_status = c("Non-C", "Non-C","Non-C","CG<14h/w", "CG<14h/w","CG<14h/w","CG>=14h/w","CG>=14h/w","CG>=14h/w"),
age = c("50-51", "60-61", "70-71", "50-51", "60-61", "70-71","50-51", "60-61", "70-71"),
ple = c(78,78,78,81,81,80,78,78,77),
min = c(78,77,76,79,79,78,75,74,74),
max = c(79,79,79,83,83,83,80,80,80)),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -9L))
ggplot(df, aes(age, group = caregiving_status)) +
geom_col(aes(y = ple, fill = caregiving_status), position = "dodge2") +
geom_point(aes(y = ple), position = position_dodge2(.9)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = min, ymax = max), position = position_dodge2(padding = .5)) +
labs(x = "Age", y = "PLE", fill = "Caregiving Status")
Created on 2020-03-11 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)