I have an Impala table backed by parquet files which is used by another team. Every day I run a batch Spark job that overwrites the existing parquet files (creating new data set, the existing files will be deleted and new files will be created)
Our Spark code look like this
During this update (overwrite parquet data file and then REFRESH
Impala table), if someone accesses the table then they would end up with error saying the underlying data files are not there.
Is there any solution or workaround available for this issue? Because I do not want other teams see the error at any point in time when they access the table.
Maybe I can write the new data files into different location then make Impala table point to that location?
The behaviour you are seeing is because of the way how Impala is designed to work. Impala fetches the Metadata of the table such as Table structure, Partition details, HDFS File paths from HMS and the block details of the corresponding HDFS File paths from NameNode. All these details are fetched by Catalog and will be distributed across the Impala daemons for their execution.
When the table's underlying files are removed and new files are written outside Impala, it is necessary to perform a REFRESH so that the new file details (such as files and corresponding block details) will be fetched and distributed across daemons. This way Impala becomes aware of the newly written files.
Since, you're overwriting the files, Impala queries would fail to find the files that it is aware of because they have been removed already and the new files are being written. This is an expected event.
As a solution, you can perform one of the below,
Hope this helps!