I would like to modify the bundle ID of an application installed on my iPhone so I would be able to install another instance of it. I do not need other ways to get around this, I need to be able to change the bundle ID. I have xcode, and can get other things if I need them and have the patience for it if it is an involved process. Thanks in advance! :)
Edit—I know it is not possible to actually change a specific apps Bundle ID; creating a new copy of the app works perfectly for me. I just needed to have a copy of the application that is exactly the same except for a different Bundle ID. Sorry for any confusion.
Ok, I finally figured it out, despite people telling me it wasn't possible :(
I created a new xcode project and set up my developer certificates in the project, then I pretty much followed the instructions on this github page. I created a new IPA with the modifications I needed and I signed this new IPA through the same xcode project I modified the original IPA through in iOS App Signer. It allows you to change the bundle ID, as well as the application version and name, which is nice to be able to edit as well. Here is the link to the github where i found this application, it also has an aesthetic tutorial on its front page if this happens to be useful for anyone else.
(I feel like i'm probably not explaining well, things tend to make a lot more sense in my head. Check out the github for clearer instructions or maybe someone who understands what i'm trying to say can help me articulate it better if need be)