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How to use Python to buy an item in Roblox using post requests?

I am trying to buy an item with the Roblox API in Python. However I am having trouble finding the link to make a post request to purchase an item. Here is my code so far:

def buyItem(self,itemid, cookie):
    info = self.getItemInfo(itemid)
    url="{}&expectedCurrency=1&expectedPrice={}&expectedSellerID={}&userAssetID=".format(info["ProductId"], 0 if info["PriceInRobux"] == None else info["PriceInRobux"],info["Creator"]["Id"])
    cookies = {
        '.ROBLOSECURITY': cookie
    headers = {
        'X-CSRF-TOKEN': self.setXsrfToken(cookie)
    r =, cookies=cookies, headers=headers)
    return r

I get 400 errors and the error code is:


I just need to figure out the correct URL to send the post request to. Help is appreciated! Thanks!


  • I recommend using selenium!

    the reason for this is because it is much simpler!

    Example code for buying an item with selenium:

    from time import sleep as wait
    from selenium import webdriver
    driver = webdriver.Chrome() 
    driver.get("") ##opens the link
    wait(30) ## gives you 30 seconds to sign in before the script runs!
    driver.find_element_by_class("btn-fixed-width-lg btn-growth-lg PurchaseButton").click()## clicks the element it finds with that class
    driver.find_element_by_id("confirm-btn").click() ##clciks the the comfirm button

    If you need a little bit of help heres meh discord: Encryptal#3233

    Heres my roblox account: Encryptal

    Im learning this to so i could help you out and explain it! :D

    Also if your bored and have no one to play roblox .........