I have a route and an endpoint function defined. I've also injected some dependencies.
pub fn route1() -> BoxedFilter<(String, ParamType)> {
pub async fn handler1(
query: String,
param: ParamType,
dependency: DependencyType,
) -> Result<impl warp::Reply, warp::Rejection> {
let api = api::routes::route1()
.and(warp::any().map(move || dependency))
This all seems to work fine.
However, I want to be able to have something that sits in front of several endpoints that checks for a valid key in the query parameter. Inside handler1
I can add:
if !param.key_valid {
return Ok(warp::reply::with_status(
I do not want to add this to every handler individually.
It seems like I should be able to do it via filter
, but I can't figure it out. I've tried using .map()
but then returning multiple items shifts it to a tuple and I have to change my downstream function signature. Ideally I want to find a way to add verification or other filters that can reject the request without any downstream values knowing about them.
This is effectively demonstrated by warp's rejection example:
Rejections represent cases where a filter should not continue processing the request, but a different filter could process it.
Extract a denominator from a "div-by" header, or reject with DivideByZero.
You need to
to take the existing filter (in this case query()
) and perform the validation. If the validation fails, return a custom rejection.Filter::recover
to appropriately handle the custom rejection and any other possible errors.Applied to your situation:
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::{convert::Infallible, net::IpAddr};
use warp::{filters::BoxedFilter, http::StatusCode, reject::Reject, Filter, Rejection, Reply};
fn route1() -> BoxedFilter<(String, ParamType)> {
struct Invalid;
impl Reject for Invalid {}
fn validated_query() -> impl Filter<Extract = (ParamType,), Error = Rejection> + Copy {
warp::filters::query::query().and_then(|param: ParamType| async move {
if param.valid {
} else {
async fn report_invalid(r: Rejection) -> Result<impl Reply, Infallible> {
let reply = warp::reply::reply();
if let Some(Invalid) = r.find() {
Ok(warp::reply::with_status(reply, StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST))
} else {
// Do better error handling here
async fn handler1(
_query: String,
_param: ParamType,
_dependency: DependencyType,
) -> Result<impl warp::Reply, warp::Rejection> {
struct DependencyType;
struct ParamType {
valid: bool,
async fn main() {
let api = route1()
.and(warp::any().map(move || DependencyType))
let ip: IpAddr = "".parse().unwrap();
let port = 8888;
warp::serve(api).run((ip, port)).await;
And the output of curl with irrelevant lines removed:
% curl -v ''
< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
% curl -v ''
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
warp = "0.2.2"
serde = { version = "1.0.104", features = ["derive"] }
tokio = { version = "0.2.13", features = ["full"] }