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How to limit first level comments in Praw Reddit?

Is it possible to limit first level comments which replace_more function returns?


Or remove all MoreComments objects from the first level? I mean I'd like to limit comments tree height and get maximum width (get all comments which go from limited amount of the first level comments).


  • Rather than using replace_more, just replace each MoreComments object as you get to it. This will prevent you from replacing any MoreComments objects that are not at the top level.

    Below is a function that will iterate through top-level comments, replacing each MoreComments as it is encountered. This is inspired by example code from the PRAW documentation:

    from praw.models import MoreComments
    def iter_top_level(comments):
        for top_level_comment in comments:
            if isinstance(top_level_comment, MoreComments):
                yield from iter_top_level(top_level_comment.comments())
                yield top_level_comment

    The way this generator works is that it yields top-level comments from the submission, but when it encounters a MoreComments object, it loads those comments and recursively calls itself. The recursive call is necessary because in large threads, each MoreComments object contains another top-level MoreComments object at the end.

    Here's an example of how you could use it:

    submission = reddit.submission('fgi5bd')
    for comment in iter_top_level(submission.comments): 