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Ecto - Creating a constraint where only one column is not null

I have two sets of columns in my table:

A = ['column_a', 'column_b', 'column_c']

B = ['column_d', 'column_e', 'column_f']

I need to create a constraint where these conditions are met:

  1. 1 column from A is not null and 1 column from B is not null.
  2. Exactly 1 column from A is not null and same for B.
  3. The pair of columns from A and B must be unique for every record.

So far, I've created a constraint that checks that at least one column is not null in each sets, but I do not know how to proceed from here:

create(constraint(:table, :valid_pair, check: "COALESCE(column_a, column_b, column_c) IS NOT NULL AND COALESCE(column_d, column_e, column_f) IS NOT NULL"))

Moreover, how do I implement this constraint in my changeset?


  • Constraints

    As shown in this SO question, to satisfy constraints 1 & 2 you could use something like:

    create constraint(:table, :valid_pair, check: "
        ( CASE WHEN column_a IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
        + CASE WHEN column_b IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
        + CASE WHEN column_c IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
        + CASE WHEN column_d IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 3 END
        + CASE WHEN column_e IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 3 END
        + CASE WHEN column_f IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 3 END
        ) = 4

    There's some ambiguity with constraint 3, do you mean absolutely only once can column_a and column_f could be together, or that the pairing of their values must be unique?

    For [column_a, column_b, column_c, column_d, column_e, column_f]: Would both these transactions be valid or only one?

    [1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1]

    [1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2]

    If the latter, then:

    create unique_index(:table, [:column_a, :column_b, :column_c, :column_d, :column_e, :column_f], name: :unique_pairing)


    For constraint 1 & 2, I would do two custom validations that count the number of non-nil values from each subset of columns. These validations are done prior to hitting the database. Good write up: More Custom Validations for Ecto Changesets

      |> validate_column_sets([column_a, column_b, column_c], :column_set_a)
      |> validate_column_sets([column_d, column_e, column_f], :column_set_b)
    defp validate_column_sets(changeset, fields, key) do
      case changeset.valid? do
        true ->
          case Enum.count(fields, fn field -> get_field(changeset, field) != nil end) do
            1 -> changeset
            _ -> add_error(changeset, key, "Only one column in this set can be nil")
        _ ->

    For constraint 3 you could keep things simple and use unique_constraint/3 with an arbitrary column. See an discussion here: Ecto Changeset unique_constraint/3 for clustered index

    |> unique_constraint(:column_a, name: :letters_unique_index)

    Hope that gets you on the right track!