I am interested in knowing if there is an efficient way to record the analytics from a SQL query while still providing the records to the requester? I'm currently on MS SQL Server 2012.
Let's say for example you have a number of ways users an pull records from the database (SSRS, SSIS, web-page based, etc.), for the lack of a better term let's just call them reports. Over time it would be nice to know which reports are being run, when they are run, how long does it take for a report to run, what is the number of records returned for a given report, etc. so on and so forth. These analytical data-points would allow me to keep an eye on things -- most requested, longest running, most active user, etc.
Right now I have set up a system where I have a View that is the full set of "base records" for the report, and the Stored Procedure the end user calls that operates on the View -- it calls the View and dumps the filtered results into a @TempTable
inside the SProc. In addition to filtering the View returned records based on the User's needs, the SProc will record the time of execution, duration, record count, supplied arguments, etc., all of which is saved to a separate "Analytics" table for separate analysis. At the end, the SProc simply returns the records from the @TempTable
to the User.
While this does work, it just feels clunky and does add a second or two to the total processing time. I am hoping there is a more efficient way to accomplish this kind of background capturing of information?
Note: Third-Party software in not an option for my environment.
I had a requirement where all requests had to be under 1 second. No small task considering the complexity.
Anyway, this is a dramatically stripped down version. The key here is that I store the request and parameters as XML. You can expand or contract as needed the columns and/or the XML portion.
Take a peek at the dbFiddle
Log Table Structure
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[uniLog](
[LogNr] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[LogUTC] [datetime] NULL,
[LogMS] [int] NULL,
[LogRows] [int] NULL,
[LogParam] [xml] NULL
A Dummy Stored Proceedure
Notice the @TimeBeg
in the top of the procedure and the INSERT
after the END
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[prcDummyProcedure] (
@SomeStr varchar(50),
@SomeInt int,
@AnotherInt int,
@FromDate date
Set NoCount On
Declare @TimeBeg datetime = getutcdate()
-- My Super Awsome Query
Select Top 5000 *,N=Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select NULL)) From master..spt_values n1, master..spt_values n2
Declare @Rows int = @@RowCount
Insert Into [dbo].[uniLog] (LogUTC,LogMS,LogRows,LogParam)
values ( GetUTCDate()
,(Select ProcName = '[dbo].[prcDummyProcedure]'
,SomeStr = @SomeStr
,SomeInt = @SomeInt
,AnotherInt = @AnotherInt
,FromDate = @FromDate
For XML Raw )
And Now the Test
Exec [dbo].[prcDummyProcedure] 'SomeString',100,200,'2020-01-31'
Select * from [dbo].[uniLog]
The Results
[The results will be what over the SP was designed to do]
The log table was update with
LogNr LogUTC LogMS LogRows LogParam
6 2020-03-10 19:55:35.423 13 1000 <row ProcName="[dbo].[prcDummyProcedure]" SomeStr="SomeString" SomeInt="100" AnotherInt="200" FromDate="2020-01-31" />