I have store which has two fields:
items: Item[]
money: number
When user buys item I call to apiService and if the response from the server allows you to add an item (the server will check if the user has enough money) I can make two changes in my store:
I am confused about what is good practise about dispatching actions... Which way is the best?
action and DecreaseMoney
action:store.dispatch([new AddItem(), new DecreaseMoney()]);
action and dispatch DecreaseMoney
action when first is successful: this.actions$.pipe(ofActionSuccessful(AddItem)).subscribe(() => {store.dispatch(new DecreaseMoney()});
action inside AddItem
AddItem({ getState, setState }: StateContext<any>) {
const state = getState();
return this.http.post(`${apiUrl}/buy`, {}).pipe(
tap(newItem => {
setState({...state, items: [...state.items, newItem]});
dispatch(new DecreaseMoney()); // <---
if the actions do not mutate the same piece of state, I would recommend using multi-dispatching as it is less verbose. If you depend on a returned response from your first async action, I think your nested setup is logical. However, it doesn't look like you pass in anything to DecreaseMoney()...so the first option seems best.
I would go with option 2 then as this could be a specific scenario. If you put all the logic in your action, you are coupling the DecreaseMoney() to AddItem(). By putting the business logic within your component/container, you can create reusable actions. That is what I would do, personally.