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Is there any programmatic way to break infinite loop in NodeJS?

Ultimately speaking - is there a practical method (also maybe by inserting some JS constructs into the code) to break or halt the long lasting JS code during the execution? For example: can it be interrupted by some process.* object constructs, or similar? Or the other way? The valid solution may even include the NodeJS process to be killed and/or restarted. Thank you!

EDIT: I need to execute some particular user code on the server, using Function clause (ala eval, - let alone security concerns). I cannot insert any extra code inside it, only enclose it. What I need is to have a possibility to break user code after 5 minutes, if it is not finished by this time. For example:

usercode = 'Some code from the user';
pre_code = 'some controlling code for breaking the user code';
post_code = 'another controlling code';

fcode = pre_code + usercode + post_code;

<preparations for breaking usercode>

(new Function(fcode))(); // This MUST exit in 5 minutes


  • Edit:

    Answering your edit. I see the intention now. If it is running in nodejs, you can use worker_thread for that

    For example:

    // main.js
    const runCode = (code) => { 
      const worker = new Worker("./code-executor.js", { workerData: { code: guestCode } });
      const promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => worker.kill(), 60000 * 5);
        worker.on("error", () => {
          return reject(new SomeCustomError())
        worker.on("message", (message) => {
          if(message.success) return resolve(message.result);
          return reject(new Error(message.error));
      promise.finally(() => { worker.kill() });
      return promise;
    // code-executor.js
    const { workerData, parentPort } = require("worker_threads");
    const { code } = workerData;
     .then(() => (new Function(fcode))())
     .then((result) => {
         success: true,
         result: value
     .catch((error) => {
         success: true,
         error: error.message

    If it's in browser The WebAPI is not exactly the same but the logic should be similar


    Killing a process. Also read:

    process.kill(pid, "SIGINT")

    "Killing" a long running function, you gotta hack a bit. There's no elegant solution. Inject a controller which can be mutated outside of the long running function. To stop it from the outside, set controller.isStopped = true

    export const STOP_EXECUTION = Symbol();
    function longRunning(controller){
      ... codes
      // add stopping point
      if(controller.isStopped) throw STOP_EXECUTION;
      ... codes
      // add stopping point
      if(controller.isStopped) throw STOP_EXECUTION;
      ... codes
    // catch it by 
        e === STOP_EXECUTION: ...;  // the longRunning function is stopped from the outside
        default: ...;               // the longRunning function is throwing not because of being stopped 
