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How can I hide an APEX region after user selects certain checkboxes in a multi-select checkbox and submits the page?

Oracle APEX QUESTION: I have a report parameters region on my Oracle APEX page with two separate checkbox items (P1_CHECKBOX_1 and P1_CHECKBOX_2) with options (A, B, C, D) and (E, F, G, H) respectively.

The user clicks a 'Submit' button to generate the various reports below based on the selection in the checkboxes.

I want to show a certain report region only if 'C' is selected in P1_CHECKBOX_1 OR 'F' is selected in P1_CHECKBOX_2. I have tried a few options through the region Server-side Condition and creating a Dynamic Action (using Item in List). I can't even seem to make the region show based on the P1_CHECKBOX_1 selections, let alone adding in the second condition with P1_CHECKBOX_2.

Can anyone help / provide an example when doing something similar?


  • Try to build a "SQL Expression" server side condition:

    or instr(':'||:P1_CHECKBOX_2||':',':'||F||':')>0

    or maybe an "Exist" server side condition:

    select 1 from dual 
     where instr(':'||:P1_CHECKBOX_1||':',':'||C||':')>0 
        or instr(':'||:P1_CHECKBOX_2||':',':'||F||':')>0