My swift code is below. I have used self in closure but when I run project, memory graph does not show retain cycle. I am wrong about there is a retain cycle?
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private var counter = 0
private var closure : (() -> ()) = { }
func foo() {
override func viewDidLoad() {
closure = {
self.counter += 1
Yes, Xcode does not always visually represent the strong reference cycle. But it is consistent in showing that the object in question has not yet been deallocated.
For example, if I push via a navigation controller and pop, I see the ViewController
in the list of live objects, but when I select it, don’t see any cycle, but rather see some cryptic graph including the navigation controller (even though I popped it off):
That having been said, I find that if I present modally and dismiss the view controller in question, I will see the cycle more clearly:
It would be nice if we could see the prototypical cycle (like shown below), but the picture isn’t always that simple when dealing with UIKit objects.