$ bin/start-cluster.sh
Starting cluster.
[INFO] 1 instance(s) of standalonesession are already running on centos1.
Starting standalonesession daemon on host centos1.
[ERROR] Could not get JVM parameters properly.
[ERROR] Could not get JVM parameters properly.
I have got the $JAVA_HOME in all the master and slaves
]$ echo $JAVA_HOME
Below are the config file settings.
# The RPC port where the JobManager is reachable.
jobmanager.rpc.port: 6123
taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 5
parallelism.default: 2
JPS in master:
]# jps
30944 QuorumPeerMain
9600 StandaloneSessionClusterEntrypoint
31640 ConsoleProducer
32889 Jps
31278 Kafka
in slave I am not able to see jps command output:
# jps
-bash: jps: command not found
Also under the task-manager i don't see any entries. http://10.x.x.x:8081/#/task-manager
Did you configure the conf/slaves file? See https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/ops/deployment/cluster_setup.html#configuring-flink.
The problem with jps doesn't look like a problem with Flink. Is there really a JDK on the slave?