I'm a student learning php and pdfs.
I'm having a problem with dom pdf, i printing a table that it have to be on 3 pages of a pdf. First I create a header with the logo and some titles. It header has to be on all the pages, i created it Fixed position, but on the second and the third page the table go on middle of the header.
The problem is this, I had to censore the letter but you see the problem perfect. I don't have any idea how to solve it. :
Css code
header {
position: fixed;
top: 0cm;
left: 0cm;
right: 0cm;
height: 3cm;
the example of footer and header html: https://gist.github.com/doobas/d5ba90c73f5d8d6c229e1a7855f7355a
You have to add margin for body.