I developed a smart home device cloud service that's based on python, but while trying to integrate it with actions on google, their library for python is "Google Assistant Library for Python is deprecated as of June 28th, 2019, Use the Google Assistant Service instead."
i went to the google assistant service page and it says that python is "You can't launch commercial devices that integrate with the Google Assistant SDK. It's available for experimental and non-commercial uses only."
why is this the case? does it mean it is still in beta for them? should i not bother with python? i really would like to stick with python since I've spent a good amount of time developing on it.
I think you're mixing up a few different, but related, things, some of which have similar or overlapping names. To try and clear things up:
Google Assistant SDK
The Google Assistant SDK and Google Assistant gRPC service enable you to build a device that works like a Google Home. So people would interact directly with your device and use it to control the Assistant.
Actions on Google
This is a broad term, describing ways that you can make something that people will use through the Google Assistant, via devices such as their Smart Speakers or phone.
It can very roughly be broken up into a couple of different approaches, some of which overlap:
Usually when people talk about Actions on Google, however, they're talking about one of the first two items, and often confusing the Action SDK and Dialogflow.
None of these specifically support, nor prohibit, python.
Smart Home Actions
Smart Home Actions are specifically built to work with the set of devices and traits that Google has built conversational experiences for.
There are a number of important distinctions about Smart Home Actions:
Your server can be written in any language you wish - Google will send your registered HTTPS endpoint JSON with the commands, and expects you to reply with JSON as well. There is no specific python library for this - but mostly there doesn't need to be. The most difficult part is that you will need to support OAuth for account linking, but that is a bigger issue than what language you're using and goes to your entire platform.
Smart Home Actions can also support the Local Home SDK, which allows commands to be executed on many devices directly, without having to go to your server for processing. This must be written in either TypeScript or JavaScript, so does not support python.
If you are building for a Smart Home device, you should be using Smart Home Actions rather than anything else. The only reason you might not want to is if you have a device type that is so different from the currently supported devices, you need to make a conversational Action with Dialogflow and/or the Action SDK.
Dialogflow is a product from Google Cloud that provides a Natural Language Processing system for a number of different configurations and integrations.
One way to use it (and the only one I discuss here) is to process and fulfill conversations through the Google Assistant:
This fulfillment can be written in nearly any programming language you want, including python. The only requirements are that
There is no specific library from Google that supports these JSON formats, but they are fairly straightforward if you want to implement it yourself. There have also been python libraries worked on by the community, but I don't know enough about them to advise which are the best ones right now or which ones work with the current protocol.
Action SDK
Sometimes this is called the Conversation API or SDK in the documentation, although usually they call it the Action SDK these days.
This is similar to how Dialogflow works (in fact, Dialogflow uses it), but differs that there is no NLP system that can determine the user's Intent from their speech:
Again, there is no specific Google supported python library to handle this, but there may be community developed libraries that can do so.
Unless you have a very good reason for using the more raw Action SDK (such as existing components that already are using an existing NLP/NLU system), you should probably use Dialogflow.