I have a validator function to check if a given path matches a path in array of paths.
Current Logic:
var allowed := String{"/users", "/teams"}
func Validator(path String) bool {
for _, p := range allowed {
if path == p {
return true
return false
I want to replace this using golang gorilla mux because I might have path variables. mux's github repo says "HTTP router and URL matcher". however, there aren't examples on how to use it for URL matching.
Here is how I solved it going through the code:
// STEP 1: create a router
router := mux.NewRouter()
// STEP 2: register routes that are allowed
routeMatch := mux.RouteMatch{}
// STEP 3: create a http.Request to use in Mux Route Matcher
url := url.URL { Path: "/users/1" }
request := http.Request{ Method:"GET", URL: &url }
// STEP 4: Mux's Router returns true/false
x := router.Match(&request, &routeMatch)
fmt.Println(x) // true
url = url.URL { Path: "/other-endpoint" }
request = http.Request{ Method:"GET", URL: &url }
x = router.Match(&request, &routeMatch)
fmt.Println(x) // false