I have just started learning Kafka and I am trying to build a prototype to have a producer which is a REST API and send the data to Kafka consumer. I went through quite a lot of documentation to figure out some particular procedure.
I wasn't able to understand if there is a single connector that I could just use just like the fileconnector or the JDBC connectors provided for Apache Kafka. Should I be writing a custom connector for this ?
I am pretty much confused on where to start. I am particularly looking for some structured documentation or idea on how to get this done.
It sounds like you're talking about the functionality that already exists in the REST Proxy. This provides a REST API for producing data into Kafka, or consuming data from Kafka.
Edit: From your comment I understand your question to be different. If you want to pull data from a REST endpoint into Kafka you can use Kafka Connect and the kafka-connect-rest plugin. There's an example of it in use here.