I want to perform Wilcoxon test for my data (AllData) all in integer. Here's my raw data :
Date v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8
1 2014-01-05 39 4 84 75 41 6 83 610
2 2014-01-12 40 6 86 77 44 6 84 765
3 2014-01-19 39 5 82 73 40 6 81 713
4 2014-01-26 37 5 100 71 39 6 90 685
5 2014-02-02 39 5 83 70 37 5 79 601
6 2014-02-09 44 6 82 78 40 6 78 535
7 2014-02-16 41 5 76 76 40 7 78 582
8 2014-02-23 40 5 74 72 42 6 81 568
9 2014-03-02 35 4 81 71 39 6 78 502
Here's my coding so far and it works fine
#calculate basefitMAE
basefit.model1 <- Arima(AllData$v8,order=c(0,1,2))
inSampleBaseFitMAE <- mean(abs(basefit.model1$residuals))
#calculate advancedfitMAE
AllModel <- AllData[c(2:8)]
allfit <- data.frame(inSampleAdvancedFitMAE = rep(NA, length(AllModel)))
for (i in seq_along(AllModel[1,])) {
advancedfit.model <- Arima(AllData$x1,order=c(0,1,2),xreg=AllModel[,i])
allfit$inSampleAdvancedFitMAE[i] <- mean(abs(advancedfit.model$residuals))
allfit <- cbind(allfit,inSampleBaseFitMAE)
#measure relative MAE
allfit$relativeMAE <- (allfit$inSampleAdvancedFitMAE)/(allfit$inSampleBaseFitMAE)
The basic formula for Wilcoxon is this:
Now I just need to do the Wilcoxon test in the loop. But I'm confused about how to do this since I don't have the absolute residuals for all the data, only have the mean residuals at the moment.
I needa create more data to get the fit going, so:
AllData <- data.frame(Date=as.Date("2014-01-05") + seq(0,700,by=7),
colnames(AllData)[2:9] <- paste0("v",1:8)
Hope I got you correct, and also note the typo Arima(AllData$x1..)
in the code you posted, x1 doesn't exist in the table you showed.
basefit.model1 <- Arima(AllData$v8,order=c(0,1,2))
inSampleBaseFitMAE <- mean(abs(basefit.model1$residuals))
allfit <- data.frame(var = colnames(AllData)[2:8],
inSampleAdvancedFitMAE =NA,p.value=NA,
for (i in seq_along(allfit$var)) {
advancedfit.model <- Arima(AllData$v8,order=c(0,1,2),xreg=AllData[,allfit$var[i]])
allfit$inSampleAdvancedFitMAE[i] <- mean(abs(advancedfit.model$residuals))
test = wilcox.test(advancedfit.model$residuals,basefit.model1$residuals,paired=TRUE)
allfit$p.value[i] <- test$p.value
allfit$relativeMAE <- (allfit$inSampleAdvancedFitMAE)/(allfit$inSampleBaseFitMAE)
var inSampleAdvancedFitMAE p.value inSampleBaseFitMAE relativeMAE
1 v1 7.919351 0.025809584 7.955079 0.9955089
2 v2 7.859983 0.954075356 7.955079 0.9880459
3 v3 7.968860 0.165886368 7.955079 1.0017324
4 v4 7.796261 0.128247572 7.955079 0.9800356
5 v5 7.940206 0.002050978 7.955079 0.9981304
6 v6 7.960803 0.122403761 7.955079 1.0007195
7 v7 7.929170 0.111342188 7.955079 0.9967432