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Making a variadic templete from another variadic template

To be honest I don't know how to start to search the solution for the problem I try to solve. Probably a solution already is. So the task is here.

I have a class that actually is template with 2 arguments:

template <typename F, typename S>
class trans {...};

also I have another class that holds a chain of these "trans" classes like a tuple (example):

class holder {
    using chain_type = std::tuple<trans<std::string, int>, 
                                  trans<int, float>, 
                                  trans<float, std::string>, 
                                  trans<std::string, json>>;

And as can be seen every second argument of a "trans" is the same as the next first. The chain:

std::string -> int -> float -> std::string -> json.

what would I want...I'd like to have some method to make this chain like this:

template <typename ...Args>
class holder {
    using chain_type = trans_chain_create_t<Args...>;

holder<std::string, int, float, std::string, json> h;

Is it possible? I'm not very familiar with variadic templates and use them very rare.


  • Yes, it is possible:

    template< typename F, typename S >
    class trans {};
    template< typename F, typename S, typename... Tail >
    struct create_trans_chain;
    template< typename F, typename S, typename... Tail >
    using create_trans_chain_t = typename create_trans_chain< F, S, Tail... >::type;
    template< typename F, typename S >
    struct create_trans_chain< F, S >
        using type = std::tuple< trans< F, S > >;
    template< typename F, typename S, typename Next, typename... Tail >
    struct create_trans_chain< F, S, Next, Tail... >
        using type = decltype(std::tuple_cat(
            std::declval< create_trans_chain_t< F, S > >(),
            std::declval< create_trans_chain_t< S, Next, Tail... > >()));