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Insufficient privileges to complete the operation - Azure Active Directory

I am trying to update an Azure Active Directory Application but I get the error message " Insufficient privileges to complete the operation" as shown below. I have full admin access and I have given the api both delegated and application permissions as shown below and user administrator role as well. I have done search on permissions and roles but still cant get it working.

enter image description here

Here is a screen shot of my permissions configurations.

enter image description here


  • When you run the Microsoft Graph Powershell Get-MgApplication, you need to login it with the command like below, including the Application.Read.All delegated permission.

    Connect-Graph -Scopes "User.Read","Application.Read.All"

    It will open a window, then you need to enter the code authenticate, select the account which is the Global admin, select Consent on behalf of your organization option, click the Accept like below.

    enter image description here

    After login, run Get-MgApplication, it will work fine.

    enter image description here

    In addition, actually the Microsoft Graph Powershell comamnds call different Graph APIs, to run different commands, you need to Connect-Graph with different permissions, e.g. if you want to run Update-MgApplication, you need to add Application.ReadWrite.All, to run Get-MgGroup, you need to add Group.Read.All.