I am trying to update an Azure Active Directory Application but I get the error message " Insufficient privileges to complete the operation" as shown below. I have full admin access and I have given the api both delegated and application permissions as shown below and user administrator role as well. I have done search on permissions and roles but still cant get it working.
Here is a screen shot of my permissions configurations.
When you run the Microsoft Graph Powershell Get-MgApplication
, you need to login it with the command like below, including the Application.Read.All
delegated permission.
Connect-Graph -Scopes "User.Read","Application.Read.All"
It will open a window, then you need to enter the code authenticate, select the account which is the Global admin
, select Consent on behalf of your organization
option, click the Accept
like below.
After login, run Get-MgApplication
, it will work fine.
In addition, actually the Microsoft Graph Powershell comamnds call different Graph APIs, to run different commands, you need to Connect-Graph
with different permissions, e.g. if you want to run Update-MgApplication
, you need to add Application.ReadWrite.All
, to run Get-MgGroup
, you need to add Group.Read.All