in my TFS Source Control I have 2 solutions. The first one is the old version of a ASP.NET application, and the second is the same solution with a new graphic layout. The problem is that in the meantime, the solution N1 (Katalegale) has got new code functionality (no graphic modifications), and now I have to make a porting of these new only code addings to the solution N2 (Katalegale-Restyle), that has old code (code-behind in C#) but new graphic layout. How can I accomplish this?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Ps "Katalegale" has old graphic layout but new code. "Katalegale-Restyle" has new graphic layout but old code.
In your situation, you just need to perform a merge. From source branch Katalegale to target branch Katalegale-Restyle.
Merging allows to combines two different branches into one. Once more source branch and target branch are required and changes are incorporated from source branch into target branch.
Merge detects files that were added or modified inside Source Branch and will add these changes or file into Target branch. If same files on the Target Branch were modified, then Conflict Resolution screen will pop-up with the opportunity to resolve the conflict.
In your case, you may have to manually resolve merge conflicts to make sure branch Katalegale-Restyle has new graphic layout and new code.
Sample Steps:
More details about merge and resolve conflicts, please refer our official doc: