I have model
type alias Model =
url : String
, devices : List Device
, input : String
, isFilter : Bool
, deviceSuggestion : Maybe Device
type alias Device =
status : String
, license_plate : String
, device_id : String
and below is my render view and i want to get the device_id
and port to JS
renderPost : Device -> Html Msg
renderPost devices =
div []
[ text "Device_id : "
, button [ onClick PortDeviceID ] [ text (Debug.toString devices.device_id) ]
, pre [] [ text "device_model : " , text (Debug.toString devices.device_model) ]
, pre [] [ text "license_plate : " , text (Debug.toString devices.license_plate) ]
renderPosts : Model -> Html Msg
renderPosts model =
([ text "Device List" ] ++ List.map (\device -> renderPost device) model.devices)
and my updates is here. I have no idea how to get the text because the devices.device_id
is from json file
PortDeviceID ->
( { model | deviceID = "" }, //port device_id --> not working)
GotResult result ->
case result of
Ok devices ->
( { model | devices = devices }, portDevice devices ) // this give full list
I want to do like , when i click the button then i can port the specific device_id
to JS. The thing is it is in Device -> Html Msg format
, so im stuck lol. Any ideas to do it? Any help is appreciate !
Case solved here,
in View , i do like below, instantiate the devices.device_id
renderPost : Device -> Html Msg
renderPost devices =
div []
[ text "Device_id : "
, button [ onClick (PortDeviceID devices.device_id)] [ text (Debug.toString devices.device_id) ]
Then in updates , same let the portDeviceID String
PortDeviceID deviceID->
( { model | deviceID = "" }, portDeviceID deviceID )
Anyway thanks for help Jack Leow