I am currently trying to read from files with shell. However, I met one sytax issue. My code is below:
while read -r line;do
echo $line
done < <(tail -n +2 /pathToTheFile | cut -f5,6,7,8 | sort | uniq )
However, it returns me error syntax error near unexpected token
I tried with following How to use while read line with tail -n but still cannot see the error.
The tail command works properly.
Any help will be apprepricated.
process substitution isn't support by the posix shell /bin/sh. It is a feature specific to bash (and other non posix shells). Are you running this in /bin/bash?
Anyhow, the process substitution isn't needed here, you could simple use a pipe, like this:
tail -n +2 /pathToTheFile | cut -f5,6,7,8 | sort -u | while read -r line ; do
echo "${line}"