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extract title from a link using BeautifulSoup

I am using beautifulsoup to scrape a website but need help with this as I am new to python and beautifulsoup How do I get VET from the following "[[VET]]"

This is my code so far

import bs4 as bs
import urllib.request
import pandas as pd

#This is the Home page of the website
source = urllib.request.urlopen('file:///C:/Users/Aiden/Downloads/stocks/Stock%20Premarket%20Trading%20Activity%20_%20Biggest%20Movers%20Before%20the%20Market%20Opens.html').read().decode('utf-8')

soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(source,'lxml')

#find the Div and put all info into varTable
table = soup.find('table',{"id":"decliners_tbl"}).tbody

#find all Rows in table and puts into varTableRows
tableRows = table.find_all('tr')
print ("There is ",len(tableRows),"Rows in the Table")

columns = [tableRows[1].find_all('td')]

a = [tableRows[1].find_all("a")]

So my output from print(a) is "[[<a class="mplink popup_link" href="">VET</a>]]"
 and I want to extract VET out 



  • You can use a.text or a.get_text().

    If you have multiple elements you'd need list comprehension on this function