I want to know, can we use scss in rails views eg
$gray-medium-light : #eaeaea;
background: $gray-medium-light;
I tried changing the path format
<%= stylesheet_link_tag(about_me_user_path(current_user, format: :scss), media: 'all', class: "home_about_me_css") %>
And also in routes
get 'user_profile_stylesheet/:id' => 'users#user_profile_stylesheet', as: :user_profile_stylesheet, :defaults => { :format => 'scss' }
But rails seems to just convert the format back to css
Can we use sass-rails
gem to do this somehow?
EDIT I googled this with nothing coming up.
Its theoretically possible by invoking the sass compiler. Note that you want to be using a request for css and not scss. There is no reason the client needs to know how the file is produced.
<%= stylesheet_link_tag(about_me_user_path(current_user, format: :css), media: 'all', class: "home_about_me_css") %>
class UsersController
def user_profile_stylesheet
respond_to do |f|
f.css do
fn = Rails.root.join('app', 'views', 'home', 'home_stylesheet.css.scss.erb')
# expand ERB template
sass = render_to_string(file: fn)
# run rendered template through the sass compiler
css = SassC::Engine.new(sass, style: :compressed).render
render text: css
I'm not so sure its something you really want to do in production as it requires you to compile sass at run-time when responding to requests. And you won't be able reference anything like SASS functions in your assets pipeline since this is compiled outside the pipeline.
Its also a security nightmare since SASS is not just declarative like CSS. And this could be exploited to execute code on your server.
Whatever you're trying to do there has to be a smarter / less complex solution.