I'm trying to sort the results based on a numeric
Here is my mapping:
"elasticie": {
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 256
"number": {
"type": "long"
I'm using Python, and this is my testing data:
data = [
{'name': 'sElwUYiLXGHaQCKbdxtnvVzqIehfFWkJcPSTurgNoRD', 'number': 8583},
{'name': 'XJEtNsIFfcwHTMhqAvRkiygjbUGzZQPdS', 'number': 8127},
{'name': 'ZIeAGosUKJbjOdylM', 'number': 5862},
{'name': 'HYvcafoXkC', 'number': 7458},
{'name': 'tATJCjNuizOlGckXBpyVqSQL', 'number': 530},
{'name': 'TFYixotjhXzNZPvHnkraRDpAMEImJfqdcVGLC', 'number': 7052},
{'name': 'JCEGfoKDHRrcIkPQSqiVgNshZOBaMdXjAlxwUzmeWLy', 'number': 6168},
{'name': 'IpCTwUAQynSizJtcsuDmbX', 'number': 6492},
{'name': 'fTrcoXSBJNFhAkzWpDMxsEiLmZRvgnC', 'number': 382},
{'name': 'ulVNmqKTpPXfEIdiykhDjMrUGOYazLBFvgnWwsRtJoQbxSe', 'number': 2061}
Using following code, I'm creating the index and inserting the data:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from data import data # the data I've shown above
INDEX = 'elasticie'
es = Elasticsearch('')
for _ in data:
es.index(index=INDEX, body=_)
I'm trying to sort data based on number, asc
or desc
Here is what I tried so far:
es.search(index=INDEX, params={'sort': {'number': {'order': 'asc'}})
es.search(index=INDEX, params={'sort': {'number': 'asc'})
es.search(index=INDEX, params={'sort': [('number', 'asc')]})
es.search(index=INDEX, params={'sort': {'number': {'order': 'asc', 'ignore_unmapped': True}})
es.search(index=INDEX, params={'sort': {'number': {'order': 'asc', 'unmapped_type': 'integer'}})
es.search(index=INDEX, params={'sort': {'number': {'order': 'asc', 'unmapped_type': 'long'}})
es.search(index=INDEX, params={'sort': {'number.raw': 'asc'})
Not of the above methods worked for me, The result is the same as the inserted data,
If I assign the above lines to a variable named search_result
and print the result using the following code:
for index, result in enumerate(search_result['hits']['hits']):
print(f'{index}. {result["_source"]["number"]}')
I'll get the following result:
0. 8583
1. 8127
2. 5862
3. 7458
4. 530
5. 7052
6. 6168
7. 6492
8. 382
9. 2061
Which is obviously not sorted using number
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I'm using ElasticSearch 7.6 and Python 3.8
How can I make the sorting results work?
Based on debugging logs, Python is sending a GET
request to the following URL using the first method:{%27number%27%3A+{%27order%27%3A+%27asc%27}}
My mistake, I read the documentation and the code functionality using help
and dir
There is no parameter named sort
defined on the Elasticsearch.search
method, That's why I thought I should use it as a key
within the params
dict that it takes,
Thanks to @OpsterElasticSearchNinja and his comment, I realized there is something wrong with either the library or how I'm using it
Sending POST request with sort
key as post body worked well,
So I decided to read the whole source code and find out what's going wrong?
def search(self, body=None, index=None, doc_type=None, params=None):
# ...
This is how the sort
parameter is defined, using a decorator on runtime!!
That's when I tried this code, and somehow it worked!
es.search(index=INDEX, sort=['number:asc'])