I have a problem with step forward regression and My understanding is that i don't pass argument Data
I have the function:
ForwardStep <- function(df,yName, Xs, XsMin) {
Data <- df[, c(yName,Xs)]
fit <- glm(formula = paste(yName, " ~ ", paste0(XsMin, collapse = " + ")),
data = Data, family = binomial(link = "logit") )
ScopeFormula <- list(lower = paste(yName, " ~ ", paste0(XsMin, collapse = " + ")),
upper = paste(yName, " ~ ", paste0(Xs, collapse = " + ")))
result <- step(fit, direction = "forward", scope = ScopeFormula, trace = 1 )
When I try to run it with following arguments
df <- data.frame(Y= rep(c(0,1),25),time = rpois(50,2), x1 = rnorm(50, 0,1),
x2 = rnorm(50,.5,2), x3 = rnorm(50,0,1))
yName = "Y"
Xs <- c("x1","x2","x3")
XsMin <- 1
res <- ForwardStep(df,Yname,Xs,XsMin)
I am getting an Error: Error in is.data.frame(data) : object 'Data' not found
But if I first define Data
in Global Env it works perfectly fine.
Data <- df[, c(yName,Xs)]
res <- ForwardStep(df,Yname,Xs,XsMin)
I guess that I have wrong implementation of function step however I don't exactly know how to do it the right way.
You need to realize that formulas always have an associated environment, see help("formula")
. One should never pass text to the formula
parameter of model functions, never ever. If you do that, you will encounter scoping issues sooner or later. Usually, I'd recommend computing on the language instead, but you can also create the formulas from text in the correct scope:
ForwardStep <- function(df,Yname, Xs, XsMin) {
Data <- df[, c(Yname,Xs)]
f1 <- as.formula(paste(Yname, " ~ ", paste0(XsMin, collapse = " + ")))
fit <- glm(formula = f1,
data = Data, family = binomial(link = "logit") )
f2 <- as.formula(paste(Yname, " ~ ", paste0(XsMin, collapse = " + ")))
f3 <- as.formula(paste(Yname, " ~ ", paste0(Xs, collapse = " + ")))
ScopeFormula <- list(lower = f2,
upper = f3)
step(fit, direction = "forward", scope = ScopeFormula, trace = 1)
df <- data.frame(Y= rep(c(0,1),25),time = rpois(50,2), x1 = rnorm(50, 0,1),
x2 = rnorm(50,.5,2), x3 = rnorm(50,0,1))
YName = "Y"
Xs <- c("x1","x2","x3")
XsMin <- 1
res <- ForwardStep(df,YName,Xs,XsMin)
#Start: AIC=71.31
#Y ~ 1
# Df Deviance AIC
#<none> 69.315 71.315
#+ x1 1 68.661 72.661
#+ x3 1 68.797 72.797
#+ x2 1 69.277 73.277
(Public service announcement: step-wise regression is a garbage generator. There are better statistical techniques available.)