I have the following piece of code for the successor and predecessor of Church numerals: Consider the following code:
(define zero (lambda () '() )) ; Initialize Church numeral zero as nil
(define (succ x) (lambda () x)) ; Wraps x with another function and returns it
(define (pred x) (x)) ; "Unwraps" one shell function of x and returns it
(define one (succ zero)) ; gives me the Church numeral one
(pred one)
Suppose I do the following changes in the pred function:
(define (pred x) x)
What is the difference between returning x and (x)? What exactly does returning (x) mean syntactically and logically?
The function
(define (pred x) x)
is the identity function. The function accepts a value and binds it to the argument x
. It then evaluates the body x
which gives the original value back.
The function
(define (pred x) (x))
takes one value as input and binds it the argument x
It then evaluates the body (x)
. The expression (x)
means call (the hopefully a function) x
with no arguments.
(pred (lambda () 42)) will evaluate to 42.
So in the context of your encoding (lamdda () x)
wraps a function layer a value and (x)
removes the function layer.