Trying to create a rank indicator over 2 columns, in this case both account and DATE.
For example:
df <- data.frame(
Account = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3),
DATE = c(201901, 201902, 201903, 201904, 201902, 201903, 201904, 201905, 201906, 201907, 201904, 201905))
> df
Account DATE
1 201901
1 201902
1 201903
1 201904
2 201902
2 201903
2 201904
2 201905
2 201906
2 201907
3 201904
3 201905
I've tried to use rank and order, and rank(rank()) and order(order()) but with no luck
df <- df %>%
mutate("rank" = rank(Account, DATE))
Account DATE rank
1 201901 2.5
1 201902 2.5
1 201903 2.5
1 201904 2.5
2 201902 7.5
2 201903 7.5
2 201904 7.5
2 201905 7.5
2 201906 7.5
2 201907 7.5
3 201904 11.5
3 201905 11.5
But what I want is for it to rank the dates descending, but by each account, it should look like this:
1 201901 4
1 201902 3
1 201903 2
1 201904 1
2 201902 6
2 201903 5
2 201904 4
2 201905 3
2 201906 2
2 201907 1
3 201904 2
3 201905 1
df %>%
group_by(Account) %>%
mutate("rank" = rank(DATE))
#> # A tibble: 12 x 3
#> # Groups: Account [3]
#> Account DATE rank
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 201901 1
#> 2 1 201902 2
#> 3 1 201903 3
#> 4 1 201904 4
#> 5 2 201902 1
#> 6 2 201903 2
#> 7 2 201904 3
#> 8 2 201905 4
#> 9 2 201906 5
#> 10 2 201907 6
#> 11 3 201904 1
#> 12 3 201905 2
Created on 2020-03-09 by the reprex package (v0.3.0.9001)