I already closed the Tensorboard before, but after I open new terminal and re-run the command tensorboard --logdir /tmp/retrain_logs
, it produces following error:
E0128 12:24:08.469702 MainThread program.py:201] TensorBoard could not bind to port 6006, it was already in use
E0128 12:24:08.469702 140707008960320 program.py:201] TensorBoard could not bind to port 6006, it was already in use
ERROR: TensorBoard could not bind to port 6006, it was already in use
Anybody knows the how could this happen? I can easily restart the PC, but now I'm in the middle of training my dataset (unfortunately I haven't set checkpoint) so I don't want to terminate it.
Sometimes, the port continues to be occupied in spite of ending the instance.
In that case,
you can first check if your port is still occupied by:
lsof -i:6006
and then, using the PID listed above to kill the tcp instance:
kill -9 PID