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How to reduce load time Retrieving large database table with 12,000+ rows in laravel

Hi there,

I have a 'subscribers' table in my DB, having more than 12,000 rows and the number is increasing gradually. When I open the subscriber view in the browser, it take a minute or more to load all the data and then arrange pagination in the datatable.

Here is my code of SubscribersController

public function index()
        $subscribers = DB::table('subscribers')->get();
        return view('subscribers')->with('subscribers',$subscribers);

Is there anyway which can increase the performance of the page loading.
Thanks in Advance!


  • I have a similar problem and I resolved it byy using composer require yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle:"~9.0". With datatables you can use server-side loading which will take about 5 seconds to load 15000 records.

    First, install the package following the guide: install yajra/datatables.

    Second, set a route to the function that will retrieve the data in the controller, like:

    Route::get('/subscribers/render-subscribers-datatable', 'SubscribersController@render_subscribers_datatable')->name('render_subscribers_datatable')->middleware('auth');

    Third, configure the datatable in the view to get and process the data, like:

        responsive: true,
        processing: true,
        deferRender: true,
        serverSide: true,
        bLengthChange: false,
        searchDelay: 500,
        pageLength: 10,
        ajax: '{{ route('render_subscribers_datatable') }}',
        columns: [
            { data: 'active', orderable: false, searchable: false, className: "text-center"},
            { data: 'client_name' },
            { data: 'date_of_birth' },
            { data: 'personal_id_number' },
            { data: 'partner_number' },
            { data: 'phone' },
            { data: 'delivery_address' },
            { data: 'email' },
            { data: 'action', orderable: false, searchable: false, className: "text-center"},

    Configure the columns properly to your project...

    Forth, work out the controller, like:

    public function render_subscribers_datatable(Request $request)
        // Check if Request Came From Ajax
            // Get data
            $dump = DB::table('tbl_subscribers')->select()->get();
            // Return datatable
            return Datatables::of($dump)->make(true);
        // Else, redirect
        // redirect with message
        return redirect()->route('home')->with('error', 'cant process the request.');

    Hope it helped.