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TYPO3: Backend Module render action of another Controller

I created a simple backend module for TYPO3 (7.6.15), with help of the ExtensionBuilder. The UserController and MediaController have a createAction, showAction and listAction. The PanelController just has the showAction which is the main view of the module and should look like this:

Display of the PanelController.showAction

Now, I want to render the listActions from the other controllers in the template of the PanelController.showAction and I would like to do it in the template of the view (MyExt/Resources/Private/Templates/Panel/Show.html), if possible.

I appreciate all help in advance and wish everyone a nice day!


  • Okay, I haven't even realized for years that the question was still open. I simply loaded both external controllers to get all the data I needed. Then I passed the data to the correct view templates within the view itself, which were the views of the original list actions.