Hi I want to check the passed argument of a function using a regex. Case is I want to verify an object that contains a generated string that have a random character in some part
this is the string to check
- apple<randomchar>
- banana <randomchar>
- melon <randomchar>
above text is generated, may change between run.
I tried using this sinon.match, but can't found the detailed documentation, so not sure if it's correct way to do this.
const sinon = require('sinon');
const foobar = {
foo: () => {},
fooWithObject: () => {},
const sinonMock = sinon.mock(foobar);
const textfoobar = (
`- apple randomid
- banana randomid
- melon randomid`
.withArgs({message: sinon.match(/apple.*banana.*melon/gms)});
// this works
// this doesn't
foobar.fooWithObject({message: textfoobar});
Above result error if I wrap the message inside an object. How can I check argument call object that contain a string using regex?
Turns out, also need to use sinon.mock
in the container object.
So this works
.withArgs(sinon.match({message: sinon.match(/apple.*banana.*melon/gms)}));