Currently, I created a system that can generate data from MySQL to pdf. The arrangement of data that display to the pdf is:
1) The first page will display only 1 data rows
2) 2nd Page onwards will display a maximum of 3 data row per page.
The display was successful. Now, created a comment box at the end of the page. The problem is, the comment box is displayed at the end of data row. I want
$user = $conn->query("
FROM ot_users u
JOIN ot_team t
on u.team_id = t.team_id
WHERE u.team_id = '".$_GET['team']."'
AND u.roles_id IN(4,5)
BY u.roles_id ASC
while ($row = $user->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$user3 = $conn->query("
FROM ot_report r
JOIN ot_users u
ON r.badgeid = u.badgeid
JOIN ot_team t
ON t.team_id = u.team_id
WHERE t.team_id = '".$_GET['team']."'
AND report_date BETWEEN '".$_GET["from"]."' AND '".$_GET["to"]."'
BY r.report_date DESC
$count = 0;
while ($row = $user3->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$pdf->Cell(34,7,"From: ".date('H:i',strtotime($row['ot_start'])),1,0);
$pdf->Cell(33,7,"To: ".date('H:i',strtotime($row['ot_end'])),1,1);
$pdf->Cell(87,7,'After',1,1, 'C');
$logo = file_get_contents('../../images/faces/noimage.png');
if(!isset($row['photo_before']) || empty($row['photo_before'])) {
$pdf->Cell(87, 57, $pdf->MemImage($logo, $pdf->GetX()+20, $pdf->GetY()+5, 47,47,), 1, 0, 'C');
//$pdf->Cell(87, 57, $pdf->MemImage(base64_decode($row['photo_before']), $pdf->GetX()+21, $pdf->GetY()+2, 45,53,), 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(87, 57, $pdf->Image($row['photo_before'], $pdf->GetX()+21, $pdf->GetY()+2, 45,53,), 1, 0, 'C');
if(!isset($row['photo_after']) || empty($row['photo_after'])) {
$pdf->Cell(87, 57, $pdf->MemImage($logo, $pdf->GetX()+20, $pdf->GetY()+5, 47,47,), 1, 1, 'C');
//$pdf->Cell(87, 57, $pdf->MemImage(base64_decode($row['photo_after']), $pdf->GetX()+21, $pdf->GetY()+2, 45,53,), 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(87, 57, $pdf->Image($row['photo_before'], $pdf->GetX()+21, $pdf->GetY()+2, 45,53,), 1, 0, 'C');
if ($row['time_photo_before'] == null){
$pdf->Cell(87,7,'-',1,0, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(87,7,$row['time_photo_before'],1,0, 'C');
if ($row['time_photo_after'] == null){
$pdf->Cell(87,7,'-',1,1, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(87,7,$row['time_photo_after'],1,1, 'C');
if ((($count - 3) % 3) === 0) {
// Editing starts
$leftPageMargin = 10;
$heightAfterRows = 10;
$pdf->SetXY($leftPageMargin, $pdf->GetY() + $heightAfterRows);
// Editing ends
$pdf->Cell(0,60,"Comment",1,1, 'L');
Can anyone help me?
I hope this helps and that I understand your question right:
You can try this before your comment.
$leftPageMargin = 10;
$heightAfterRows = 10;
$pdf->SetXY($leftPageMargin, $pdf->GetY() + $heightAfterRows);