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Allow repeated field in gRPC Transcoding

I'm using gRPC in Google CLoud Endpoints I'm using quick example for endpoint python
I addition one function for SayHelloRepeated but don't know how to transcode repeated field.


service Greeter {

rpc SayHelloRepeated (RepeatedHello) returns (HelloReply) {}


message RepeatedHello {
repeated HelloRequest hello_request = 1;

message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;



    - selector: helloworld.Greeter.SayHelloRepeated
    get: /v1/rsayhello/{hello_request}


When I try to deploy api_config_http.yaml it give me error Repeated field not allowed

ERROR: ( INVALID_ARGUMENT: Cannot convert to service config.

kind: ERROR message: "http: repeated field not allowed: reached via \'hello_request\' on message \'helloworld.RepeatedHello\'."


What If HelloRequest has multiple fields not just the one name field then what to do.

message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
string message = 2;


  • As per the official documentation Package google.api:

    Each mapping specifies a URL path template and an HTTP method. The path template may refer to one or more fields in the gRPC request message, as long as each field is a non-repeated field with a primitive (non-message) type.

    This means that you can't use a repeated field in the gRPC. So, you can't use this exact format for you to use repeated fields.

    I would recommend you to check this part of the documentation - gRPC Transcoding - to get more information on how to perform a workaround to achieve the use of repeated fields.

    Let me know if the information helped you!