I'm new to WPF with MVVMLight and struggling to grasp how things work. I have a button in xaml:
<Button x:Name="button" Content="Button"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"
Command="{Binding BeginCollectionCommand}"/>
And have the View Model respond to the button press.
BeginCollectionCommand = new RelayCommand(BeginCollectionCommandExecute, () => true);
I failed to find the answer to my question on
The View Model code has the button binding "BeginCollectionCommand" defined as
public RelayCommand BeginCollectionCommand { get; set; }
public MainWindowViewModel()
BeginCollectionCommand = new RelayCommand(BeginCollectionCommandExecute, () => true);
//at this point i believe is where i set the button content to "working..."
//and disable.
public void BeginCollectionCommandExecute()
/// do my working class code
//I think at this point I want to set the code to change button content to
//enable, conent to "done" then wait and set to "start"
Can someone help?
You questions could be sum up to three kinds of question.
For first and second question, bind your button IsEnable
to a property in viewModel and bind content to a string
In xaml.
<Button x:Name="button"
Content="{Binding ButtonString}"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"
IsEnabled="{Binding ButtonEnabled}"
Command="{Binding BeginCollectionCommand}"/>
In view model
// Set true or button cannot be pressed.
bool m_Enabled = true;
public bool ButtonEnabled
get{ return m_Enalbed; }
set{ m_Enabled = value;
// RaisePropertyChanged MUST fire the same case-sensitive name of property
RaisePropertyChanged( "ButtonEnabled" );
public bool ButtonString
bool m_String = false;
public bool ButtonString
get{ return m_String; }
set{ m_String = value;
// RaisePropertyChanged MUST fire the same case-sensitive name of property
RaisePropertyChanged( "ButtonString" );
public void BeginCollectionCommandExecute()
//I simplify the way of variable passing,
//You need to take care of how to set property from command to viewmodel.
//A method delegate would be okay.
ButtonEnabled = false;
ButtonString = "Working";
// working here
ButtonEnabled = true;
ButtonString = "Done";
For the third question, you may use a timer or a ThreadSleep is okay.