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Is there a way to create an internal keyboard without installing in the settings?

I'm building an app that store songs. In this project I decided to differentiate any song by title, lyrics and chords.

My UX idea consists of write chords with a custom keyboard.

This keyboard have space button, enter button, backspace button and all 12 notes, and 4 segment controller for differentiate by:

segment 1 = ["C", "C#/Db", "D", "D#/Eb", "E", "F", "F#/Gb", "G", "G#/Ab", "A", "A#/Bb", "B"] //chromatic scale

segment 2 = ["No", "Maj", "Min", "Sus2", "Sus4", "5"] //type1

segment 3 = ["No", "6", "7", "Maj7", "add9", "9", "11", "13"] //type2

segment 4 = ["No","C", "C#/Db", "D", "D#/Eb", "E", "F", "F#/Gb", "G", "G#/Ab", "A", "A#/Bb", "B"] //bass note

(This is just a keyboard for the app, I don't want to install this in the device settings.)


  • You'll want to set your custom view as the inputView of your text view or text field.