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spread operator not working in react native

'browsed' is an array of objects with data for each letter:

        allowMultiSign: undefined,
        allowSingleSign: "1",
        assignmentStatus: "Browsed",
        disclaimer: null,
        form16: false,
        letterDate: "06-Mar-2020",
        title: "letter02",
        safetyLetterId: 987
        allowMultiSign: undefined,
        allowSingleSign: "1",
        assignmentStatus: "Browsed",
        disclaimer: null,
        form16: false,
        letterDate: "06-Mar-2020",
        title: "letter01",
        safetyLetterId: 123
        allowMultiSign: undefined,
        allowSingleSign: "1",
        assignmentStatus: "Browsed",
        disclaimer: null,
        form16: false,
        letterDate: "06-Mar-2020",
        title: "letter03",
        safetyLetterId: 456
        allowMultiSign: undefined,
        allowSingleSign: "1",
        assignmentStatus: "Browsed",
        disclaimer: null,
        form16: false,
        letterDate: "06-Mar-2020",
        title: "letter04",
        safetyLetterId: 789

I want to:

  1. filter this array for letters that are form16 false and multisign true
  2. create an object for each letter that passes the filter that will contain the letter id and title only
  3. concat each object inside an object called multisign

1 and 2 are working just fine (I've logged each step). The problem is with #3

when I log the final result -- multisign, I see only the last object. I'm expecting to see all 4 objects inside multisign.

I've used the spread operator before for this same exact task. I'm wondering if I'm just missing a small detail or if it's a compatibility issue. I am using javascript 6.9.0.

            let multisign = {};
            browsed.forEach(letter => {
                if (letter.form16 == false && letter.allowMultiSign != false) {
                    let idAndTitle = {
                        safetyLetterId: letter.safetyLetterId,
                        title: letter.title
                    multisign = { ...multisign, ...idAndTitle }


sample output

        safetyLetterId: 789,
        title: "letter04"


  • This is happening because when you spread an object with the same keys they get overridden see: multisign = { ...multisign, ...idAndTitle }

    That's why the you only get the last one.

    My suggestion would be either make multisign an array and push the objects into it or you have to transform the keys for idAndTitle every object (maybe affix some index)


    If you want to change the keys you have to change the idAndTitle object

    browsed.forEach((letter, index) => {
                    if (letter.form16 == false && letter.allowMultiSign != false) {
                       let idAndTitle = {
                            [`safetyLetterId${index}`]: letter.safetyLetterId,
                            [`title${index}`]: letter.title

    Now the multisign object should look like this

        safetyLetterId0: '...'
        title0: '...'
        safetyLetterId1: '...'
        title1: '...'

    And as you can see this kinda gets ugly so I would suggest to replace multisign with an array and push the new obj to it