I have an Event
model, with a starts
attribute for a start date. An event ends when the following event begins (the last event goes on indefinitely). I would like to have a query that returns the events starting from the event that contains a given date dd
should return the current event and the following ones.
I could easily do that with two queries:
first=Event.where(starts: -Float::INFINITY..Date.today).order(starts: :asc).last
Event.where(starts: first.starts..Float::INFINITY)
but is there anything more efficient?
This is with postgresql
, in case this makes a difference
class Event < ApplicationRecord
# @see https://devhints.io/arel
def self.after(time = Time.current)
col = arel_table[:starts]
sub_query = arel_table.project(col)
This generates a subquery in the where clause:
SELECT "events".* FROM "events"
WHERE "events"."starts" > (SELECT "events"."starts" FROM "events" WHERE "events"."starts" < '2020-03-08 17:32:16.602529' ORDER BY "events"."starts" ASC LIMIT 1) LIMIT $1