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Add one day to a date and save it as a new variable in Smalltalk

so here is the problem. I want to take a date from lastDate and put it to nextDate, but also add one day to the variable nextDate. Anyone know how to do that?

| lastDate nextDate |
lastDate := Date 
            newDay: 10
            monthNumber: 5
            year: 2019.
nextDate := lastDate.




  • It would help to know which Smalltalk you are using.

    I will use Smalltalk/X-jv branch for the examples as it is easies for me:

    | lastDate nextDate |
    lastDate := Date newDay: 10
                      month: 5
                       year: 2019.
    nextDate := lastDate addDays: 1.
    ^ nextDate

    To add one day you can use the #addDays: message to your lastDate.

    Edit: due to comment

    To add a year you can send message #addYears: