I've got a Vapor 3 app in which I need to determine is 2 users share any common groups.
So I have 2 models User and Group. A user can belong to many groups. But I have a permission check that if both users share a common group they can send a messages to each other.
final public class User: PostgreSQLModel {
public var id: Int?
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
extension User {
var containers: Siblings<User, Group, UserGroups> {
return siblings()
final public class Group: PostgreSQLModel {
public var id: Int?
var name: String
What I'd like to do is this
UserGroups.query(to: request).group(.or) { $0.filter(\.userId == user.id!).filter(\.userId == user.id!) }.flatMap { ... }
plus a filter that says where groupId == groupId.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
I don't think you can do it in a single query, but you could try something like:
UserGroups.query(on:request).filter(\.userId == user1.id!).all().flatMap
groups in
groups.map { $0.id! }.flatMap
groupIds in
UserGroups.query(on:request).filter(\.userId == user2.id!).filter(\.groupId ~~ groupIds).all().flatMap
// do your work here