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Problem with CSS Hover-Tooltips in combination with overflow:scroll/auto (and position absolute)

I'm having trouble with my css hover tooltips in combination with containers that have overflow-y:auto (or scroll).

Either the hoverBox is contained inside that container and not popping out of it as intended, causing the tooltip to barely be visible.

Or if I "fix" this problem by changing position:relative on the container (commented in the code/link below), I have a new problem where the hoverBox position is lower than it should be when I scroll down inside the container, until it completely disappears below the bottom end of the window when you scroll down far enough on long lists.

Since the page is far from a static website, explicitly setting the hoverBox positions (or updating them whenever something moves) is not an option.

    .TTTrigger + div {
        display: none;
        position: absolute;
        border: 1px solid #a38d6d;
        z-index: 99999;
        min-width: 300px;

    .TTTrigger:hover + div {
        display: inline-table;

    <div style="overflow: auto; max-height: 150px; /*position: relative;*/ width: 150px;">
        <p class="TTTrigger">text</p><div>hover</div><br>
        <p class="TTTrigger">text</p><div>hover</div><br>
        <p class="TTTrigger">text</p><div>hover</div><br>
        <p class="TTTrigger">text</p><div>hover</div><br>
        <p class="TTTrigger">text</p><div>hover</div><br>
        <p class="TTTrigger">text</p><div>hover</div><br>


  • It is difficult to solve by css. I recommend change your web design or control tooltip position by jQuery.

    $(".TTTrigger").hover(function() {
      const div = $(this).next("div");
      const top = $(this).offset().top + div.height();
      div.css("top", `${top}px`)
    }, function() {
    .TTTrigger+div {
      display: none;
      position: absolute;
      border: 1px solid #a38d6d;
      z-index: 99999;
      min-width: 300px;
    .d-inline-table {
      display: inline-table!important;
    <script src=""></script>
      <div style="overflow: auto; max-height: 150px; /*position: relative;*/ width: 150px;">
        <p class="TTTrigger">text</p>
        <p class="TTTrigger">text</p>
        <p class="TTTrigger">text</p>
        <p class="TTTrigger">text</p>
        <p class="TTTrigger">text</p>
        <p class="TTTrigger">text</p>