I have a Flask server running on a Windows EC2 instance.
I need to have it using https protocol, so my setup is like this :
Here is my config for Caddy :
proxy /
tls me@example.com
Everything is working fine excepted that in my application.py file, when I do :
return redirect(url_for('test', filename=filename))
My web browser redirect me :
Same result with _external=True
But on a template page, for example https://example.com/test2 rendered using render_template( "test2.html")
if I have a link <a href="{{ url_for('index') }}" />
the HTML generated is well : https://example.com/
For now I have hard coded my url in application.py but this is not the way that I would like to keep it...
I have updated my Caddyfile to this and now it's working great !
example.com:443 {
proxy / {
header_upstream Host {host}
header_upstream X-Real-IP {remote}
header_upstream X-Forwarded-For {remote}
tls me@example.com
This answer gave me a hint.
This answer helped me build the Caddyfile.