I am trying to re-create a kite diagram showing the distribution of the most abundant macroalgal species.
My data is below:
Here: dput(p2[1:3, 1:5])
structure(c(25.04240506, 24.95759494, 24.04113924, 25.0164557,
24.9835443, 24.04905063, 25.00379747, 24.99620253, 24.03955696,
25.01677215, 24.98322785, 24.01740506, 25.00474684, 24.99525316,
24.03955696), .Dim = c(3L, 5L), .Dimnames = list(c("Sphacelaria tribuloides(O)",
"Amphiroa rigida (R)", "Stypocaulon scoparium (O)"), c("A1",
"A2", "A3", "B1", "B2")))
Current output:
[![This is what my plot looks like][1]][1]
[![This is what my kite diagram should look like][2]][2]
I am truly not sure what I am doing wrong and or how to go about fixing it.
Thank you very much for your help and guidance in advance. I greatly appreciate it.
NB: I change values of your example, in order to get more variations as all your values were all between 24 or 25 which explain why you get almost horizontal bar in your kite Diagram. I did:
df[1:3,1:5] <- sample(5:25, 15, replace = TRUE)
A1 A2 A3 B1 B2
Sphacelaria tribuloides(O) 9 18 20 5 17
Amphiroa rigida (R) 6 18 24 18 18
Stypocaulon scoparium (O) 16 18 16 19 8
To get a kite diagram, you can simply use kiteChart
function from plotrix
I did not find a way to rotate y labels as it seems that yaxt = "n"
and las = 1
don't work on this function. So, I try to find a way using ggplot2
A possible way is to first shape your dataframe and convert y and x axis in an numerical format by attributing the level of their factor format. You also need to normalise the "value" column:
DF <- as.data.frame(df) %>% mutate(species = rownames(df)) %>%
pivot_longer(-species, names_to = "X_var", values_to = "values") %>%
mutate(species = factor(species, levels = unique(species))) %>%
mutate(X_var = factor(X_var, levels = unique(X_var))) %>%
mutate(NewY = as.numeric(species)*2) %>%
mutate(normval = values / max(values)) %>%
mutate(NewX = as.numeric(X_var))
# A tibble: 15 x 6
species X_var values NewY normval NewX
<fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Sphacelaria tribuloides(O) A1 9 2 0.375 1
2 Sphacelaria tribuloides(O) A2 18 2 0.75 2
3 Sphacelaria tribuloides(O) A3 20 2 0.833 3
4 Sphacelaria tribuloides(O) B1 5 2 0.208 4
5 Sphacelaria tribuloides(O) B2 17 2 0.708 5
6 Amphiroa rigida (R) A1 6 4 0.25 1
7 Amphiroa rigida (R) A2 18 4 0.75 2
8 Amphiroa rigida (R) A3 24 4 1 3
9 Amphiroa rigida (R) B1 18 4 0.75 4
10 Amphiroa rigida (R) B2 18 4 0.75 5
11 Stypocaulon scoparium (O) A1 16 6 0.667 1
12 Stypocaulon scoparium (O) A2 18 6 0.75 2
13 Stypocaulon scoparium (O) A3 16 6 0.667 3
14 Stypocaulon scoparium (O) B1 19 6 0.792 4
15 Stypocaulon scoparium (O) B2 8 6 0.333 5
Now, you can use geom_ribbon
to get your kite diagram:
ggplot(DF, aes(x = NewX, fill = species))+
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = NewY-normval, ymax = NewY+normval))+
scale_y_continuous(breaks = unique(DF$NewY), labels = levels(DF$species))+
scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(DF$NewX), labels = levels(DF$X_var), name = "")