I have a code generator which produces call to a function that returns Vec<f64>
. I need to assign these values into a set of variables, and the best way seems to be a tuple of those variables. Something like this:
let array: &[f64] = &my_function(3);
let (a, b, c): (f64, f64, f64) = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(*array) };
I did not figure out how to write the unsafe part to have it accepted by the compiler.
I prefer to avoid generating the item per item assignments, because performance is of huge importance here.
Can this be done? Is the memory layout of a tuple compatible with array?
You cannot do this, period; tuples do not have a guaranteed memory layout, therefore you cannot transmute from something that may or may not match.
I would do normal pattern matching:
fn main() {
let values = my_function(3);
let (a, b, c) = match &*values {
[a, b, c] => (a, b, c),
_ => panic!(),
dbg!(a, b, c);
fn my_function(count: usize) -> Vec<f64> {
vec![3.14_0f64; count]
See also: