I have below table with some sample data
Create table dbo.Test_2020
id int identity(1,1),
level_cd_1 varchar(10) null,
level_cd_2 varchar(10) null
insert into dbo.Test_2020
select 'cd_1_01',null
union all
select 'cd_1_02',null
union all
select 'cd_1_03','cd_2_01'
union all
select null, 'cd_2_02'
union all
select null, 'cd_2_03'
union all
select 'cd_1_04', 'cd_2_04'
And below is the query using to get not null values from both columns: level_cd_1 & level_cd_2
select id, level_cd_1 as level_cd from Test_2020 where level_cd_1 is not null
union all
select id, level_cd_2 from Test_2020 where level_cd_2 is not null
Question is can i achieve the same result using OR condition instead querying the same table twice, here is the query i tried to write but not returning the same result set as that of above query
select id, coalesce(level_cd_1,level_cd_2)as leve_cd from Test_2020 where
(level_cd_1 is not null or level_cd_2 is not null)
Let me know if this is possible.
How about with a CROSS APPLY
Select A.ID
From Test_2020 A
Cross Apply ( values ( level_cd_1 )
,( level_cd_2 )
) B(level_cd)
Where level_cd is not null
ID level_cd
1 cd_1_01
2 cd_1_02
3 cd_1_03
3 cd_2_01
4 cd_2_02
5 cd_2_03
6 cd_1_04
6 cd_2_04